School Kids Program (SKiP)
SKiP will be available for February vacation!
Pick up will be on Thursday, February 20 from 5-6:30 PM at the Randolph Area Food Shelf.
When children are in school, they receive free lunches. However, during the summer months, we realize it may be difficult for some families to provide healthy lunches every day. That’s why we offer SKiP, a chance for families to receive free bread, cheese, fresh fruit, snacks, milk, and more. We’ll provide enough food for five lunches per child each week.
No documentation or proof of need is required, but we do ask that you commit to picking up your food items on the designated pick up date (see above).
Registration for February vacation 2025 SKiP is now open. Register by February 14, 2025 using the online form below or print a paper form and drop your completed form at the Food Shelf.
Please register now!
For more information, please contact

About SKiP
SKiP originally stood for “Summer Kids Lunch Program” and was initiated by the Randolph Area Food Shelf in 2014. Its purpose was to provide free lunches five days a week during the summer when free or reduced price lunches were not available to students.
The program was expanded during the 2014-2015 school year to include the February and April school vacation weeks and the name of the program was changed to "School Kids Program."
To continue operating and serving children in need, SKiP relies on the generosity of volunteers. Through the summer months, as well as during the February and April vacation weeks, we need your help. Please complete our online volunteer application if you can contribute volunteer time or our donation page if you can offer financial support.